Approach Bollywood Exclusive Interview with Amrit Gupta, Writer of ‘Two Great Masters,’ Produced by Juni Films & Approach Entertainment, Explores the Spiritual Journey Depicted in the Series

Approach Bollywood, a leading Bollywood newswire, is renowned for its comprehensive coverage of the entertainment industry and its dedication to promoting spiritual wisdom and personal transformation. In an exclusive interview, Approach Bollywood delves into a profound conversation with Amrit Gupta, the esteemed author of the book “Two Great Masters,” which serves as the foundation for the recently launched web series of the same name. Produced by Juni Films & Approach Entertainment in association with Go Spiritual India, the series brings to life the insightful narrative penned by Gupta. Directed by Anurag Sharma and co-produced by Sonu Tyagi, the web series explores deep spiritual teachings. During this enlightening interview, Amrit Gupta shares invaluable insights into the creative journey behind the series and its potential to profoundly impact viewers on their spiritual quest.

Approach Bollywood : Can you tell us about the inspiration behind writing the book ‘Two Great Masters’ and the journey of bringing it to life as a web series?

Amrit Gupta: My inspiration to write ‘Two Great Masters’ stemmed from a deep love for humanity and a desire to share the profound teachings of Swami Vivekananda and Paramahansa Yogananda. After decades of study and practice of their teachings, I felt compelled to bring their wisdom to a wider audience. The transition to a web series was a natural progression, driven by the vision to reach a broader digital audience. Collaborating with Anurag Sharma and the team at Juni Films & Approach Entertainment was pivotal in bringing this vision to fruition.

Approach Bollywood : What aspects of the teachings of Swami Vivekananda and Paramahansa Yogananda do you believe are most relevant in today’s world?

Amrit Gupta: Their teachings transcend barriers of religion, caste, and creed, offering practical wisdom for leading purposeful and fulfilling lives. The science of yoga and spirituality they advocated provides timeless solutions to modern-day challenges, guiding individuals towards inner transformation and happiness.

Amrit Gupta with Veteran Actor Rakesh Bedi

Approach Bollywood : Could you share your experience with the research process for writing the book, and any challenges you faced along the way?

Approach Bollywood : Despite challenges in publishing and distribution, fueled by publishers’ reluctance and financial constraints, the journey of writing ‘Two Great Masters’ was immensely rewarding. My background in reading, writing, and drafting during my official career proved invaluable in navigating these challenges.

Approach Bollywood : ‘Two Great Masters’ has now been adapted into a web series. How do you feel about seeing your work come to life on screen?

Amrit Gupta: Witnessing ‘Two Great Masters’ transform from a book to a web series has brought immense pleasure, devoid of any desire for personal acclaim. My hope is that the series reaches a wide audience, enriching lives and inspiring positive change.

Approach Bollywood : How closely does the web series follow the narrative and themes of your book?

Amrit Gupta : The web series closely aligns with the narrative and themes of the book, maintaining fidelity to the teachings of Vivekananda and Yogananda. Any creative liberties taken during the adaptation process were minimal and aimed at enhancing the viewer’s experience.

Approach Bollywood : What message or insights do you hope viewers will take away from watching the ‘Two Great Masters’ web series?

Amrit Gupta: I hope viewers are introduced not only to the remarkable lives of Vivekananda and Yogananda but also to the profound science of spirituality. Through an engaging narrative and digital medium, the series offers lasting solutions to life’s questions and inspires contemplation on true and lasting happiness.

Approach Bollywood : Did you collaborate closely with the production team, and were there any specific challenges or highlights during production?

Amrit Gupta: Despite not being physically present, I collaborated closely with the production team. Challenges, such as completing shootouts within budget constraints, were overcome through teamwork and dedication to the project’s vision.

Approach Bollywood : How do you envision the impact of ‘Two Great Masters’ on viewers, particularly in terms of sparking interest in spirituality and the teachings of Vivekananda and Yogananda?

Amrit Gupta : I believe ‘Two Great Masters’ will serve as a gateway to spirituality for many viewers, igniting interest in the teachings of Vivekananda and Yogananda. By offering practical solutions and insights, the series has the potential to profoundly impact lives and foster spiritual growth.

Approach Bollywood : Do you have any upcoming projects or plans related to spiritual literature or media that you can share with us?

Amrit Gupta : Currently, I am considering delving into topics such as the “Chemistry of Life” or exploring the true structure of creation. These endeavors aim to further illuminate the interconnectedness of all existence and deepen our understanding of the universe.

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