The Painterist Who Doesn’t Lose His Soul Wins Awards From The Indian & American Film Festival Circuit

The Painterist, a “caveat emptor” short film, explores the motif of art scamming and intellectual piracy. It is a grim tale of an artist, Shahid. Being a slum-dwelling painter, he sells his artwork for peanuts, to an ostentatious lady, Tanya, who always gives him little cash, by pretending that she buys his paintings, just to help him out; though, she has no interest in his handcrafted pictures. Eventually, Shahid takes a step to try his luck by visiting a random art gallery, to earn more bucks, where it dawns on him; the same callous woman is running the very art boutique. Adding insult to injury, his portraits are being displayed, under pseudonym. In a soul-searching moment, he confronts Tanya, with a heat-wrenching expression, “Madam, you may steal colors from my canvas, but not my spirit, because art emanates from the soul and the same is not for sale.”

Like Shahid, there are so many unsung heroes around the world, who are being exploited by fame-seeking shams, who deprive such striving artists, of their due reward and stardom. “Plagiarism and piracy are the wicked twins, act like black holes that devour countless starlets in the galaxy of creative industry, in utter disregard for the intellectual property law every year”, Khalid Hasan Khan cited the theme of this film. He has directed the short film, scribbled by Zahid Rai, with debutant cast, which includes Adnan Bashir Khan as a protagonist; Kainat Munir and Aleezay Javed as support actresses.
The Painterist has won awards from The Buddha International Film Festival, Pune, Maharashtra, LOGIHQ International Happiness Film Festival & Exhibition, liHfe, New Delhi, India, The International Cultural Exchange Film Festival, New York, United States, Robinson Film Awards, Rome, Italy and The Annual Mountain Shadow Short Film Competition, Walnut Creek, California. The Painterist earned an honorable mention from the Financial Literacy Film Festival, San Juan, Puerto Rico, besides, officially selected by Nac Short Film Festival, Nacogdoches, Texas, WILDsound Daily Screenplay Festival, Los Angeles, California, Panama Series Festival, Arraijan, Panama, SmartPhilm Festival, Washington, DC and F5 FPP Financial Focus FilmFest, Sanford, Florida.
Khalid Hasan Khan is an award-winning filmmaker, a graduate from New York Film Academy, Los Angeles, California. He won twenty four international awards; moreover, his fiction and non-fiction projects have officially been screened in, well over sixty, international film festivals, in countries, including Belarus, Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, Greece, France, India, Italy, Nigeria, Panama, Puerto Rico, Russia, Singapore, Slovakia, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye, Ukraine, United Kingdom and United States.